
Thank you so much Craig, appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Andrea thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and, as you said, I'm certain it's not the last time you all will adventure together, which is a true gift.

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I really enjoyed reading this segment of Ageosophy. Some years ago I moved from the San Gabriel Valley area which had been my home for many years. Moved to a very new and unfamiliar area of San Bernardino County (Fontana) to reside with my daughter. That mover required a lot of changes, (social, church, medical doctors, etc) of which I had to conform. Found a great Parish in Sacred Heart Catholic Church and began to make new acquaintances and friends. Joined a women's bible study on Thursdays at 10 which was a blessing (meeting at Teresa's home with about 8 women, prayer, bible study and then lunch afterwards). Then the Pandemic hit in 2020 and we had to suspend bible study, missed Masses, etc. How I missed those connections. Camy, you mentioned in your message about

(nimble fingers). I used to knit many years ago and loved it. Created some beautiful sweaters, baby things, etc. I am going to find some knitting needles and yarn and resume knitting -- will keep me occupied while watching Netflix and not so much on my Ipad. Thank you so much for your insightful thoughts. Love, Doryce

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I'm happy you enjoyed it, Doryce and yes, pick up those needles and yarn! If I had the time I'd be knitting, too!

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Beautifully written!

It was great meeting Andrea this weekend and we bonded instantly. I can tell we will have a long friendship.

Sometimes when my wife may be traveling, I love to just go to a corner tavern, have a beer and start conversation. The social interactions from the shared beverage with strangers or just chatting with the bartender always makes me leave fulfilled. It's the most basic element of the Blue Zones.

I am so happy Andrea turned me onto your writing and purpose.


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