Wow Regina, you just now learned to drive? How courageous! That's AH-mazing. You should be so proud of yourself. I'm with you, I'm not a fan of gyms, that's why I have a variety of things I rotate through hiking, biking, pilates, and weight training at home. I'm happy to be a nudge anytime you need it! And thank you for letting me know I have an impact!
(Oops hit the “post” button before I was finished)
Then with my basket I walk the perimeter of the store - up and down aisles, 2 or 3= times before checking out. Then walk to my car and deposit my groceries.
Dear Camy - reading this totally makes sense to me! As you know (or not) I was 84 last month! Many days when I can’t get out to walk, I will drive to m favorite Trafer Joe’s inRC
Your post resonated with me. Here I sit on this morning in Pennsylvania on a beautiful fall morning. The word “sit” is the consistency in my life. I too love to learn & I keep moving mentally & spiritually. Writing novels, articles, learning technology but my physical movement is poor. I love where I live except it isn’t walkable like Philadelphia where I grew up and Manhattan where I lived and worked for twenty five years. I recently learned to drive at the age when I am collecting social security. I drove into a fence last year when I briefly looked at the freshly baked cookies that fell off the passenger seat. My husband is now overly protective of me driving even though it was a minor accident with no injury. I find gyms unappealing & walking for the sake of it bores me. I loved walking in the cities. I need to find a way to move this marshmallow that poses as my body. My husband is my best friend & we are creative folks & love conversation with each other. We eat healthy foods and are losing weight but our friends are dwindling mostly due to poor health. I remember reading that Lady Astor said she makes sure she has young friends to compensate for the loss of old ones. Your post was received this morning as another nudge to get this body moving. I will find something out there. I am too gregarious to zoom myself into oblivion. Your Substack has impact! Thanks. I think we will take a drive to Bethlehem where the steel stacks have been converted to galleries of art.
Wow Regina, you just now learned to drive? How courageous! That's AH-mazing. You should be so proud of yourself. I'm with you, I'm not a fan of gyms, that's why I have a variety of things I rotate through hiking, biking, pilates, and weight training at home. I'm happy to be a nudge anytime you need it! And thank you for letting me know I have an impact!
(Oops hit the “post” button before I was finished)
Then with my basket I walk the perimeter of the store - up and down aisles, 2 or 3= times before checking out. Then walk to my car and deposit my groceries.
Keep up the good walking Doryce! I'm sure you're a blessing to your family, as they are to you.
Dear Camy - reading this totally makes sense to me! As you know (or not) I was 84 last month! Many days when I can’t get out to walk, I will drive to m favorite Trafer Joe’s inRC
Your post resonated with me. Here I sit on this morning in Pennsylvania on a beautiful fall morning. The word “sit” is the consistency in my life. I too love to learn & I keep moving mentally & spiritually. Writing novels, articles, learning technology but my physical movement is poor. I love where I live except it isn’t walkable like Philadelphia where I grew up and Manhattan where I lived and worked for twenty five years. I recently learned to drive at the age when I am collecting social security. I drove into a fence last year when I briefly looked at the freshly baked cookies that fell off the passenger seat. My husband is now overly protective of me driving even though it was a minor accident with no injury. I find gyms unappealing & walking for the sake of it bores me. I loved walking in the cities. I need to find a way to move this marshmallow that poses as my body. My husband is my best friend & we are creative folks & love conversation with each other. We eat healthy foods and are losing weight but our friends are dwindling mostly due to poor health. I remember reading that Lady Astor said she makes sure she has young friends to compensate for the loss of old ones. Your post was received this morning as another nudge to get this body moving. I will find something out there. I am too gregarious to zoom myself into oblivion. Your Substack has impact! Thanks. I think we will take a drive to Bethlehem where the steel stacks have been converted to galleries of art.